From Podcasting Lectures to Product Marketing: A Professor’s Tale


As a professor teaching "Podcasting: Audio Storytelling Skills for Filmmakers" at Stony Brook University, I’ve had the unique opportunity to blend artistic storytelling with technical skills. This combination has positioned me perfectly for roles beyond academia, specifically in product marketing, consulting, and public speaking.

The Synergy of Skills:

The course I teach covers various aspects of podcasting, from conceptualizing and producing content to technical aspects like recording and editing. This comprehensive approach has honed my skills in narrative construction, technical savvy, and audience engagement – all crucial for product marketing.

Why Podcasting and Marketing Align:

Podcasting is about telling a compelling story and engaging listeners. Similarly, effective product marketing requires storytelling that resonates with consumers, presenting products not just as items, but as solutions or experiences. My experience in podcasting has enabled me to understand and leverage this narrative approach in marketing.

Consulting and Speaking:

Teaching podcasting has also sharpened my skills in explaining complex concepts simply and engagingly, a key trait for a successful consultant and speaker. My ability to dissect podcasting processes translates well into analyzing and advising on marketing strategies or speaking at industry events.


My journey as a podcasting professor has equipped me with a unique set of skills that are invaluable in the realms of product marketing, consulting, and public speaking. It’s a testament to the versatility of academic skills in diverse professional landscapes.


This blog post explores how teaching podcasting at a university level has uniquely prepared me for roles in product marketing, consulting, and public speaking, highlighting the transferable skills gained in the process.


My Journey to Becoming a Podcast Educator